My motorised golf buggy stopped after 13 holes, what could be wrong?

Q. My motorised golf buggy stopped after 13 holes, what could be wrong?
A. There are two things that make your buggy stop after 13 holes,

1. The battery is faulty or not correctly charged.
2. The golf buggy has developed an electrical or mechanical fault. If your buggy stops or slows towards the end of the round and last time you played you completed 18 holes without a problem, then the battery is usually at fault. If the battery is at fault then one the following reasons has caused the lack of performance by the battery.

  • There is something wrong with the charger and the battery wasn't charged properly.
  • The battery was dropped between rounds and the damaged battery has not held the charge.
  • The battery was not correctly charged between rounds due to a faulty power point.
  • The battery was not charged as the switch was not turned on or battery was not connected to the charger.
  • The battery leads are damaged and the power is not being supplied to the buggy. If the battery is not at fault the Buggy will need testing to find the problem. Before bringing the buggy in for testing please check that the motor leads are connected and battery leads tightened.